Covid-19 BE KIND Plan
"30 Days to Slow the Spread." (Ends April 30, 2020)
"30 Days to Slow the Spread." (Ends April 30, 2020)

Kindness Works wants to comment on the current crisis facing our nation. We recommend you follow the guidelines established by our Government to combat the Coronavirus, and take the necessary measures to keep yourself, your family and others safe. See guidelines below and please share it with others. Hopefully, we all will be able to get back to center very soon!

Not since World War II has our nation mobilized in a global war against a deadly enemy called the Coronavirus. Some have said that this may be bigger than World War II or 9/11. This war is being fought at every level by local, State and Federal Agencies, and they need your help to win. Just as our ancestors were called upon to sacrifice greatly to win World War II, we all are now being called upon to sacrifice to win this new war on a deadly virus. We just heard this morning that even Prince Charles has come down with Coronavirus. If a Prince can get it then anyone can. There's no other country, or people, in the world that has better resources, talent and spirit to apply to this war effort. Let's all do what we can, using our individual talent and spirit, to help win this war so we can return to our normal lives!
Although the country is temporarily shut down, YouKindness is not shut down from their core mission of "Being Kind". Therefore, we are asking our supporters, wherever they may be, be safe, follow the above government guidelines and do what you can to help. Hopefully, our country, will get back to normal very soon.
We are asking those Kindness Warriors, who are able, to do what they can to help others who are in need, which could include the following:
(1) Since the elderly are the most vulnerable, do what you can to help them. It could be a simple phone or skype call, or taking them needed groceries.
(2) You Kindness has created a "Be Kind' Package" for the elderly, and others. They will be delivered in person, keeping a social distance of 6-feet, or via Federal Express. Depending on availability, a "Kind Package" will consist of oranges, apples, canned food, immunity boost drinks and Kind Energy Bars. It's always important to "Be Kind", but right now it's even more so. You Kindness believes in the Golden rule, just treat others as you would like to be treated, especially during these trying times!
Although the country is temporarily shut down, YouKindness is not shut down from their core mission of "Being Kind". Therefore, we are asking our supporters, wherever they may be, be safe, follow the above government guidelines and do what you can to help. Hopefully, our country, will get back to normal very soon.
We are asking those Kindness Warriors, who are able, to do what they can to help others who are in need, which could include the following:
(1) Since the elderly are the most vulnerable, do what you can to help them. It could be a simple phone or skype call, or taking them needed groceries.
(2) You Kindness has created a "Be Kind' Package" for the elderly, and others. They will be delivered in person, keeping a social distance of 6-feet, or via Federal Express. Depending on availability, a "Kind Package" will consist of oranges, apples, canned food, immunity boost drinks and Kind Energy Bars. It's always important to "Be Kind", but right now it's even more so. You Kindness believes in the Golden rule, just treat others as you would like to be treated, especially during these trying times!
Kenyan Safari Operator
Inspired by Mother Teresa Feeds 24,000 Families
Inspired by Mother Teresa Feeds 24,000 Families
Thousands of families in Kenya were left penniless when the coronavirus hit the country. A Kenyan safari operator, Pankaj Shah, who would typically be hosting tourists is spearheading a volunteer effort to feed 24,000 families.

“People were getting hungry and angry,” Shah said. He felt it was time for someone to act, and asked a couple of friends to pitch in to help him. A local school closed due to the virus and offered their space as headquarters for the many people who volunteered to help, go by the name Team Pankaj, have sent out enough food to feed 24,000 families, each to last an average family of five two weeks. He felt it was time for someone to act, and asked a couple of friends to pitch in and help him . I think about what Mother Teresa would do, after the coronavirus hit," Shah said. “That’s the inspiration for the rest of my life."
You Kindness Volunteers
Delivering Kind Packages to the Elderly and Vulnerable.
Delivering Kind Packages to the Elderly and Vulnerable.
You Kindness volunteers are delivering Kind Packages to the elderly and most vulnerable in this time of need. Hopefully our country can get back to center very soon, until then let's all do what we can to be part of the solution.
You Kindness Volunteer Doug Delivers Kind Package in NY
You Kindness Volunteer Jovan Delivers Kind Package in PA
You Kindness Volunteer Jovan Delivers Kind Package in NJ
You Kindness Volunteer Jovan Delivers Kind Package in MD
Be Kind, Do What You Can to Help in These Trying Times.
Kind Package Delivered in Ohio
"What wisdom can you find that's greater than Kindness"- Mark Twain