Kindness Works International Foundation
Our Singular Mission...
Advancing and Encourgaing Acts of Kindness!
Advancing and Encourgaing Acts of Kindness!
The following Kindness Quote by Dr. Brian Weiss forms the basis for our Mission and Vision Statement for You Kindness.
"Kindness and caring cannot be reserved only for families and friends. Otherwise, society will not change at all. Strangers must approach strangers, we need to reach out to all others. If we could get everyone to perform a few acts of kindness each day, we could change the world.” Dr. Brian Weiss.
WELCOME TO You-Kindness Presented by Kindness Works International Foundation (KWI), a 501c3 non profit organization. Kindness Works International Foundation is not affiliated with any religion, political party or ideology. Our total emphasis in on carrying out and encouraging Acts of Kindness. We are seeking kind minded people, like you, who believe that Acts of Kindness makes our communities, our country and the World a better place. Our motto is simple, "we are made kind by being kind." |
You Kindness Mission Statement
There is much that divides us and at times it seems we can't agree on anything. However, there's one thing that will bring everyone into agreement and is a provable truth. What is it, this: “The World becomes a better place when people are just "more KIND" to one another.” The Fact that Kindness is contagious, and will be passed on. The following statement by Roald Dahl says it all! Roger Raguso
Kindness...My number One Attribute.
We Totally Agree, If You're Kind That's it!...Roger Raguso
Kindness strengthens the brain: Study shows it helps boost the entire family’s cognitive health.
APRIL 15, 2022
by Jocelyn Solis-Moreira

Doing an act of kindness can make you feel good about yourself, and a new study suggests it also benefits the brains of everyone living under one roof. Researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas report that teaching and practicing kindness at home improved parents’ resilience and children’s empathy. Because both resilience and empathy use different cognitive skills such as responding well to stressors or considering different perspectives, the researchers suggest kindness can improve a person’s cognition.
“In times of stress, taking a moment to practice kindness for yourself and model it for your children can boost your own resilience and improve your child’s prosocial behaviors,” says Julie Fratantoni, PhD, cognitive neuroscientist and head of operations for The BrainHealth Project. “Do not underestimate the power of kindness, because it can ultimately change and shape brain health.”
The findings are available to read in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.
Health Benefits of planned or Random Act of Kindness
By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Updated 9:45 AM ET, Thu February 17, 2022 Walk a Neighbor's dog for free, a kind Act that will make you feel good, and is good for you physically too! |

Putting the well-being of others before our own, without expecting anything in return -- or what is called being altruistic -- stimulates the reward centers of the brain, studies show. Those feel-good chemicals flood our system, producing a sort of "helper's high." Volunteering, for example, has been shown to minimize stress and improves depression. that's not all: The same activity can also reduce the risk for cognitive impairment and even help us live longer.
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:"
Three thousand years ago Solomon said: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” KJV Proverbs 17:22. Recent studies have shown when people laugh, the brain releases an endorphin that's good for the heart. Isn't that just amazing? At a time when people knew nothing about the workings of the human body, Solomon was able to make a statement that only recently, 3000 years later, was confirmed as scientific truth. Our saying, "Kindness creates smiles that changes the World", is also a truth. The world it changes first, is the one of the giver and receiver. Give it a try, be Kind and see it immediately create two smiles. Roger Raguso
UPDATE ON AVA 06/20/2022: After Two Years of Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Ava is Cancer Free.
Before and After Photos
Ava, her family, and Kindness Works, wish to thank all who made donations to help fight this successful two year battle against this Cancer. This was a terrible ordeal for both Ava and her family. Your kind support was key to a happy ending to what could have been a tragic story. Our deepest thanks to all. Any wishing to make a donation to Ava, just click on the following link:
The Video Below Shows the
Power of Unexpected Acts of Kindness...
and why in the end, “Only Kindness Matters”.

Dr. Brain Weiss: "Kindness and caring cannot be reserved only for families and friends. Otherwise, society will not change at all. Strangers must approach strangers, we need to reach out to all others. If we could get everyone to perform a few acts of kindness each day, we could change the world.”

Roald Dahl: "I think Kindness is probably my number one attribute in a human being. To BE KIND-it covers everything, to my mind. If you're KIND that's it."
Kindness Works believes in the above power of three, and we concur, "if you're KIND, that's it". In carrying out our mission objectives, we solely seek to help the desperate and displaced in Ukraine. They are no different than you or me, they just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. To achieve the mission objectives, we are working with Anna, and others, to help those whose lives, communities, and homes were destroyed and uprooted. As the good Samaritan, centuries ago, stopped to help a person beaten and robbed on a highway, Kindness Works is seeking to do the same in helping the beaten and suffering in Ukraine. Any support you can provide will be greatly appreciated and your donation will be 100% tax deductible.
Kind Regards and sent with blessings,
Roger Raguso
Director, Kindness Works International Foundation
[email protected]
Kind Regards and sent with blessings,
Roger Raguso
Director, Kindness Works International Foundation
[email protected]
Our Goals are Simple. (1)Be Kind. (2) Carry out Acts of the Kindness in your communities. (3) Join us in our Vision and Mission to change the World one kind act at a time.
Giving Made Easy
Below is a donation form that makes giving easy. Give what you can and carry out planned and Random Acts of Kindness in your community. Studies have shown people just witnessing an act of Kindness they will pass it on.