Kindness in Schools and the Workplace.
Children can be mean to each other, and schoolyard bullies have been around as long as we’ve had schools. There is a sense in which it’s much worse today than in the past. The advent of social media, higher numbers of dysfunctional families, and frequent exposure to violence through the media have all contributed to make it a severe problem in every school. Children need to experience Kindness in school instead of meanness.
Therefore, it’s essential that children are taught kindness at an early age. Suicide rates, even among young children, are staggering. If kids are unhappy at home and get bullied at school, they might see suicide an option, unless they experience kindness from others.
One of the best things you can do is pass on a spirit of kindness to our children. In the following video, watch a child teach all of us an essential lesson concerning kindness.
Therefore, it’s essential that children are taught kindness at an early age. Suicide rates, even among young children, are staggering. If kids are unhappy at home and get bullied at school, they might see suicide an option, unless they experience kindness from others.
One of the best things you can do is pass on a spirit of kindness to our children. In the following video, watch a child teach all of us an essential lesson concerning kindness.
A College Professor and First Grader Talk about their Journeys of Kindness
The best resource for creating a better future is our children. From the birth of a child, parents have the opportunity to teach kindness and compassion to the their children. We are reminded of a Bible Verse, “teach children the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it.”
There is no doubt schools play a key role in teaching kindness. Kindness education needs to be a part of our schools curriculum, and parents can supplement this by demonstrating Kindness in the home. The two most critical places children need to experience Kindness is in the home and in their school. |
Family Kindness
Children taught kindness at a young age are more likely to practice and pass it on throughout their lives. Encouraging families to both practice and teach acts of kindness in the home is a key message for Kindness Works.
Kindness in the Classroom
Many schools are adopting programs to prevent bullying and countering the negative influences our children encounter, such as playing violent video games. The goal of Kindness Works is to encourage and inspire Acts of Kindness at all levels of our society. We are working with educators and volunterees to teach the power of Kindness by example complete with collateral material that promotes and explains the benefits of simple Kindness.
Kindness in Good
Speaking out of her experience, kindness volunteer Paul Murphy observed, "When we create acts of Kindness by helping people in need, it benefits the entire community and society at large. Even a small amount of kindness can go a long way. Crime rates decline as people learn to be kinder and more respectful of others. I't true that Acts of Kindness is not just a saying it's a lifestyle."
Kindness Works Foundation is working to promote kindness in the community in a variety of ways. The Kind Bus program will send buses into communities to carry out acts of kindness. Corporate sponsors will be contacted to partner with us, and we ask for your partnership as well to carry out the Kind Bus Program, See full details on the Kind Bus page. |
Kindness in the Workplace
Kindness Works seeks to advance the Culture of Kindness in the worlplace helping to create better communities!
In a similar way that kids struggle with meanness in schools, adults experience can expericence in the workplace. Our goal is to work with Human Resource Managers and employees in developing the tools and programs that will replace workplace violence with workplace Kindness.
But, don’t wait until your HR Director invites you to a meeting or circulates a memo, get started immediately. Begin using Kind Cards and Kind Acts in the workplace to encourage people to think about being kind to one another. The idea is to create good feeling and smiles. Kind Cards are an easy way to to do that and the smiles will be passed on. Kindness Works is in the process of developing programs for the introduction of Kindness training sessions and Kindness programs in corporate America. Violence in the workplace is a growing problem, and applications must be designed to intentionally respond to the problem. Business managers need to be trained to identify the signs of violence and know how to act to prevent its occurrence. Most would agree it makes good sense in many ways for corporate America to invest in Kindness training. Workplace violence needs to be turned into Work Place Kindness. Kindness training is good for employees, good for business and Good for Communities. . |
There is much YOU can do. The most essential thing is to Be Kind. Kindness can be carried out wherever YOU may be. Take every opportunity to BE Kind and start ripples of kindness! Get Some Kind Cards, have them at the ready to distribute and start a chain reaction of Kindness and smiles!
Kindness is a Renewable Resource

Everyone is familiar with rewards programs, why not one for Kindness. It's about recognizing and rewarding Acts of Kindness throughout the Country. KINDNESS WORKS, and now it ALSO PAYS in more ways than one! Become part of the Kindness Movement and let's change our world!
Just as Federal Express carries packages around the World, Kindness Express, with your help, can carry Kindness around the Globe.
Everyone is familiar with rewards programs, why not one for Kindness. It's about recognizing and rewarding Acts of Kindness throughout the Country. KINDNESS WORKS, and now it ALSO PAYS in more ways than one! Become part of the Kindness Movement and let's change our world!
Just as Federal Express carries packages around the World, Kindness Express, with your help, can carry Kindness around the Globe.
What can you do? Carry out and support Acts of Kindness Programs
and help Change our World one Kind Act at a Time!
and help Change our World one Kind Act at a Time!
Teaching kindness to our children at a young age is both important and imperative!
Put the You in You-Kindness
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