![]() Actor Keanu Reeves has a reputation for random acts of Kindness. Recently he was in his car on his way to a movie set with Ed Solomon when they saw a yard sign that caught their eye saying: "You’re breathtaking!" Keanu stopped his car, jumped out and wrote on the sign, “Stacey, You’re Breathtaking. He then took a picture with the family. This is exactly what we're taking about, Acts of Kindness that creates ripples make a huge difference. Bob Kerrey said this,“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.”
Keanu legendary Acts Kindness are well known and Speak Loud and Clear Here's just one example: Reeves insisted that the $75 million he was due to be paid for the Matrix sequels be paid instead to the special effects and costume design team, claiming they were the real reason the movie franchise was so successful. He also bought a Harley Davidson for everyone of the stunt crew. Keanu Reeves is truly a celebrity whose gift just keeps on giving and his acts of kindness have become a Hollywood legend—with stories of his Acts of Kindness seemly popping up weekly. We have sent Keanu a Certificate of Recognition for his Kindness, some Kind Cards and a check for fifty dollars ($50). May all his days be filled with Kindness.
![]() Kindness Pays "Rewards" Program was created to recognize and reward Acts of Kindness (AOK). Every month, individuals and groups will be selected from around the country who performed Acts of Kindness. People are selected via suggestions from individuals, news media stories and other sources.. Checks will be mailed out, or personally delivered to the recipients. The results will be published on our website, in the news media and in press releases to encourage others to PASS ON the Renewable Resource of Kindness! Below is an example of our Kindness Pays Reward program. We Plan to do this Monthly to recognize and Reward Acts of Kindness throughout the Country Three NYPD officers Lt Sojo, Officer Rivera, and Office Cuevas, were at a Manhattan Whole Foods on July 4th when Whole Foods employees called the police about a shoplifting incident. The officers at the store for lunch responded. They found the woman being detained by security with a bag of food she didn't pay for. In a spontaneous moment the officera responded not with force, but with Kindness. The Officers story. Officer Esnaidy Cuevas said, “We looked in her bag and saw containers of food, we didn’t see anything else, it was just necessity food.” Lt. Louis Sojo said, “I asked her, ‘What’s going on?’ She told me she was hungry,” We decided that ‘We’ll pay the $35 for the food instead of arresting her. The officers went to the check out with the women and paid for the food. " When you look at someone’s face and you notice that they need you, they're actually hungry, it’s pretty difficult as a human being to walk away from something like that— we weren’t raised like that, it’s the right thing to do,” Sojo said. We agree and as part of "Kindness Pays Rewards Program", KWI is sending a check to these police officers to reimburse them for the food they purchased adding a bonus and sending them three decks of Kind Cards. At a time when police are quick to be criticized, KWI thinks officers like these should be recognized, praised and rewarded for their kind act. Kindness is contagious and will be passed on, evidenced by our response to their Act!
SEVERN, Maryland (CNN)- Manager, Daryl Howard, at a Maryland Chick-Fil-A, was quick to help when he saw a customer needed more than his usual chicken biscuit and coffee.
Daryl Howard was taking orders Thursday morning at the restaurant in Severn when a 96-year-old WWII veteran, known to employees as Mr. Lee, came to the register and said he had a flat tire. "He was shaking, almost in tears saying he barely made it to the store on three tires because one was bad," Rudy Somoza, another manager, told CNN. Lee barely made it the restaurant driving with a flat tire and was able to park in the Chick-Fli-A parking lot, but had no one to help him change his tire. When Daryl was finished serving his customer he told Somoza he needed to help this gentlemen change his tire. "So, Daryl jumped into action without hesitation." It took Howard about 15 minutes to change the tire. He didn't know that Somoza was taking pictures until later. Somoza said he's worked with Howard about five years. "His action of kindness was beautiful. Daryl has always been so helpful to anyone in need and deserves this recognition," Somoza said. Lee came back Friday and was very thankful and had his usual Chicken Biscuit and coffee. Kindness Works International is sending a check to Chick-Fil-A made out to Daryl Howard as part of our Recognizing and Rewarding Acts via our Kindness Pays Rewards Program. Our compliment to Chick-Fil-A for having kind employees like Daryl Howard who saw a need acted on it. Police officer Ray Essa purchased a meal for man at an Italian Restaurant in Dearborn, Michigan. Someone who witnessed that act of Kndness put it on FaceBook. It then got picked up by the local News, Kindness Works saw the news report and sent a letter with check to Officer Essa as part of Kindness Pays Rewards Program Recognizing and Rewarding Acts of Kindness. We encourage others to carry out acts of Kindness thereby creating ripples and wave of Kindness that will help to change our world
Kindness Pays Rewards Program recognized and rewards Acts of Kindness. We sent a Check to the Lt. J. D. Giles with the Baytown Fire Department for their Act of Kindness for a family in Baytown, Texas. Kindness is contagious so please pass it on and help to change our world one kind act at a time. Put the You in You-Kindness and do what you can to help change our World one kind act at a time.
The above is a great story about a Random and spontaneous Act of Kindness. The giver had no idea someone was recording this and was not interested in even being known for her act. As you will see it was done on the spur of the moment when the giver saw a need and step in to fill it with an Act of Kindness. This caused ripples of kindness that continued and will continue in the future. There are many stores of Kindness at Walmart stores by Walmart employees, in fact see the story below.
Another Walmart Act of Kindness story by a Walmart cashier in Newcastle, Oklahoma. Nick Tate, the Walmart Employee, paid the bill of a woman, with children, whose credit card wouldn't clear. The video is still shot with a Robotic Voice and it was criticized by some viewers because of that. However, we focused on the Act of Kindness carried out by Nick Tate. We called the Walmart Supercenter in Newcastle and spoke to a manager by the name of Kelly. She confirmed the story was true. We informed Kelly that Kindness Works International Foundation has a Kindness Pays Rewards program that recognizes and rewards Acts of Kindness and we would be sending out a check made out to Nate. Kelly told us that Nick was away for a while, but said she could forward it to Nate. Our compliments to Walmart for having this Kind employee who saw a need and stepped in to filled it with an Act of Kindness. What can you do? Do what Nate did, carry out an Act of Kindness, support Kindness Works and help change the world one Kind Act at a time.
AuthorKindness Works is recognizing and rewarding Acts of Kindness. Our simple mission statement "the World would be a better place if people were just more kind to one another", is a call to Pass on the renewable Resource of Kindness". Archives
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