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Acts of Kindness and Support our Kindness programs!
Acts of Kindness and Support our Kindness programs!
Kindness Works International Foundation, the sponsor of YouKindness, was founded in 2002 as a non-political, non-religious, 501-C3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible. A receipt will be generated for your tax records. Partner with us and help change our world one kind act at a time. You can donate by clicking on the donate button below. We look forward to hearing about your kindness stories which we will publish on our website. A journey of a thousand miles start with a single step. Take that first step today!
Kindness Works is Engaged in Three Main Mission Goals.
1. To Recognize, Report and Reward Act Kindness Throughout the Country via our Kindness Pays Rewards Program.
2. Kind Bus Program takes Kindness on the road to carry out Acts of Kindness in communities throughout our country.
3. ARRIVE ALIVE PSA MESSAGING: Create and Deploy ARRIVE ALIVE TV awareness messaging, stressing being KIND and safe and driving to ARRIVE ALIVE campaigns to decrease the 40,000 deaths and 2.5 million injuries occurring yearly on US Highways
Partner Wth Us, Make a Donation, Order Some Kind Cards and Start a Contagion of Kindness Ripples and Waves. See the Video Below and discover how the Science of Kindness Contagion Works...then PASS IT ON!
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Thank You for Your Kindness and Your Support!